
Walking along the Sumida gawa (river)

It took a few minutes from Yanagibashi to Ryogokubashi Bridge onfoot. Ryogokubashi is not beautiful nor elegant as a bridge, but the views to upstream from the bridge is very good. One picture is seeing in Asakusa direction and a bridge in…


9月9日土曜日 柏まで行くので予め名医のところに電話して、大先生に診ていただけることを確めてから出掛けた。 待合室には人影がなかったが、番号札は23だったから其なりに患者は来ているようだ。 細君は柏まで来るのがたいへんだと云うことで、内科も眼…

2/2 The future on our minds - by Martin E.P. Seligman, John Tierney (人間の特性としての先見性)

Researchers have begun successfully testing therapies designed to break this pattern by training sufferers to envision positive outcomes (imagine passing the test) and to see future risks more realistically (think of the possibilities rema…