
Import Trend analysis

Tokyo Customs Statistic Section shares their analysis results onchosen goods every month and they studied import trend on mineral waters andaerated waters, HS2201.10, this month. Abstract says that American waters arecatching up French wat…

Train ad beauty

Is she a math girl? Government Statistics Bureau chose her for a publicity campaign aiming cultivating people’s understanding on data collection for labor market survey. Her facial expression is more intelligent than clever, and yet one st…


9月28日木曜日 秋彼岸過ぎて今日ふるさむき雨直(すぐ)なる雨は芝生に沈む(佐藤佐太郎) なんぞをブツブツと口の中で転がして家を出た。今宵は送別の宴があり、飯なしと伝えてあるが、出掛けに帰宅時間をメールしろだの何やかやと煩い細君である。 麦の出来…