
Max’s best shot of the week

Charlotte says Max is sick. Take care. I took a day-off on Wednesday and Friday afternoon for just to do nothing but relax and help some house job. I have 24 paid holidays and the contract ends at the last day of September. I can take lump…


I am a collector and one step short of “The Collector”. My collection is train ad beauty, women of fliers in commuter train cars or concourses in terminal stations in Tokyo. This morning I took a close-up shot of a beauty who is pitching c…


6月15日金曜日 梅雨らしい天気ですので雨合羽を着た浜松町駅の小便小僧の写真を使うことにいたしました。 金曜日なのでちょっと寄ることにして神田鉄道倶楽部に入った。前回は四時半ころ入って飲めたのでそのつもりで座ったのだが、酒は五時からの様なこ…

Volcanic valley helps power Kenya - by Amy Yee Feb. 26, 2018 ケニアの地熱発電

Tapping into a storehouse of geothermal energy fuels a rapidly growing economy ? Verdant hills stretch into the distance at Hill’s Gate National Park in Kenya, where zebras, buffalos, antelopes, baboons and other wildlife roam and idyllic …