
ONE Handles 6.6 Mln TEUs in Initial Year

ONEの2018年度業務実績5月7日 JIFFA ? ONE Handles 6.6 Mln TEUs in Initial Year ? Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under. The news item includes its load factors. https://…

METI and JETRO Choose Hokkaido for supporting Foreign Direct Investment

経産省―北海道を外資直接投資支援地域に指定5月7日 ? METI and JETRO Choose Hokkaido for supporting Foreign Direct Investment ? The announcement is in English. https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2019/0416_002.html

Procedural amendments in the applying process guidelines for Countervailing and Anti-dumping duties

関税局―相殺関税及び不当廉売関税についての手続きガイドラインの一部改訂5月6日 ? Procedural amendments in the applying process guidelines for Countervailing and Anti-dumping duties ? Ministry of Finance, together with MWHL, METI, MAFF and ML…

No posting today

Getting hooked, January 3rd 2015 P49 (スマホの虜) Cicero once said that “Nature has planted in our minds an insatiable desire to see the truth.” These days it would be truer to talk of an insatiable desire to check our e-mail and Twitter a…


5月6日月曜日 “金のこと”とはいくらくらいのことを思っているのだろう。生活感のある句に読めるから日常の生活費程度の額なのだろうか?わたしは金のことはに押し付けたので、あたしが思う金は最大で三万円までであります。酒にしろ、本にしろ一回の支出が…