
Saudi Arabia Requires Copy of Forwarder's License

サウジアラビア―フレイト・フォーワーダー免許関連情報 5月28日 JIFFA ? Saudi Arabia Requires Copy of Forwarder's License ? Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under. https://www…

MAFF publishes Food, Agriculture and Agricultural Community Whitepaper

農水省―食料・農業・農村白書公表 5月28日 ? MAFF publishes Food, Agriculture and Agricultural Community Whitepaper ? http://www.maff.go.jp/j/press/kanbo/kihyo04/190528.html

MLIT shares the Data about foreign tourists’ behavior and consumption

国交省―訪日外国人流動調査公表 5月28日 ? MLIT shares the Data about foreign tourists’ behavior and consumption Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT) has compiled and completed statistical processing on the d…

Export Trade Control compliance reading materials

経産省―輸出貿易管理―大学研究機関向け規定マニュアル・事例集公開5月28日 ? Export Trade Control compliance reading materials ? METI shares Export Trade Control Manual and Cases Studies for Universities and Research Institutes. ? https://ww…

Announcement of the Winners of the Nippon Venture Awards

経産省―日本ベンチャー大賞発表 5月28日 ? Announcement of the Winners of the Nippon Venture Awards ? METI announced the Awards winners. https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2019/0523_001.html

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Authorpreneurship, February 14th 2015 P58 (作家の営業力) The mystery is worth a book in itself. How could a hitherto unknown novel by Harper Lee, writer of “To kill a Mockingbird”, remain hidden for 60 years, and why was it not published b…


5月27日月曜日 そういうわけであります。 無事帰宅しましたが、はお疲れのためかグズッて困る。 あたしもお疲れのため、今日は手短か!