
fine-grained price data = きめ細かい価格データ

Every first-year economics student quickly becomes familiar with charts of supply and demand, which place price on one axis and quantity on the other. Given a drop in demand, the charts show, firms can either sell fewer items at the prevai…

slot into = 当て嵌める、うまく収める、

Firms that sell thousands of different items do not offer them at thousands of different prices, but rather slot them into a dozen or two points. Visit the website for H&M, a fashion retailer, and you will find a staggering array of items …

fine-grained price data = きめ細かい価格データ

Every first-year economics student quickly becomes familiar with charts of supply and demand, which place price on one axis and quantity on the other. Given a drop in demand, the charts show, firms can either sell fewer items at the prevai…

take note = 注意を払う、注目する、気を付ける、

As sterling tumbled, global firms selling to the British market faced the same production costs as before, but got less money for each sweet sold. Rather than raise the price per chocolate, some chose to shrink the chocolate per price. The…

Waterfront News

国交省―羽田空港国際線2020年夏スケジュール増便分各国各社配分発表9月3日 Haneda airport’s 2020 summer season has 50 more flights allotments MLIT announces as under that Haneda airport increases its landing by 50 flights a day from its s…

「読書雑感 - 岡本綺堂」旺文社文庫 綺堂むかし語り から

「読書雑感 - 岡本綺堂」旺文社文庫 綺堂むかし語り からなんと云っても此の頃は読書子に取っては恵まれた時代である。円本は勿論、改造文庫、岩波文庫、春陽堂文庫のたぐい、二十銭か三十銭で自分の読みたい本が自由に読まれるというのは、どう考えても有…

再Translating and the law, November 10th 2012 P64 (訴訟と翻訳)

再Translating and the law, November 10th 2012 P64 (訴訟と翻訳) In a high-heeled argument last year, Christian Louboutin, a shoe maker, sued Yves Saint Laurent, a fashion house. Louboutin was irked that YSL made footwear that had a red sole…

