
claw back = 元に戻す、復旧、返還、

But nimble firms have other options: the employment version of shaving bit of chocolate from the bar. Some cut costs by boosting output per worker, often by driving workers harder. Tellingly, growth in output per worker now tends to fall i…

Waterfront News

植物防疫―EUの防疫体制強化情報告知 9月4日 Plant Protection Office shares information on EU protection measures update http://www.maff.go.jp/pps/j/search/ekuni/eu/eu/index.html#saishin

come up short = 不足、物足りない、

A study published in 2018 tried to determine whether the current population of Flores had any genetic links to Homo floresiensis. Though the researchers found evidence of Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA among villagers, they came up short of…

「桂離宮 - 野上豊一郎」岩波文庫 日本近代随筆選2から

「桂離宮 - 野上豊一郎」岩波文庫 日本近代随筆選2から障子の影桂離宮の書院から庭に面して、折れまがりに小さい三つの部屋が一ノ間・二ノ間・三ノ間とつづいている。その一ノ間の障子に、折からの小春の西日があかるくさしていた。障子は、左右が半間[げ…

再Legal persons, March 26th 2011 P63 法人格

再Legal persons, March 26th 2011 P63 法人格 Over the past year and a bit the United States Supreme Court has produced two landmark rulings on the metaphor at the heart of corporate law:the idea that companies are legal persons. Unfortunat…

