
Waterfront News

植物防疫―早見表の更改 9月10日 Plant Protection Office updates quick view tables about import restrictions in other countries. Plant Protection has been collecting information on other countries’ plant protection measures and shared in t…

commercially viable = 採算がとれる、商売になる、

The biggest drawback of vertical farming is the high cost of the electricity required to run the large number of LEDS. This has meant that production has been commercially viable for high-value, perishable produce only, such as salad leave…

「スティーブン・キングの恐怖 養老孟司」文春文庫 涼しい脳味噌 から

「スティーブン・キングの恐怖 養老孟司」文春文庫 涼しい脳味噌 から恐怖という感情は、奇妙な感情である。この感情は、人間には非情に強い。動物が恐怖を感じるか否か。わが家の馬鹿ネコは、近隣のボス猫に脅されたり、犬に追われたりすると、小便を漏らす…

再Solo living, Feb 16th 2013 P75 独居の楽しみと孤立死

再Solo living, Feb 16th 2013 P75 独居の楽しみと孤立死 ゛You need an apartment alone even if it's over a garage,゛declared Helen Gurley Brown in her 1962 bestseller ゛Sex and the Single Girl゛. To Brown, who went on to edit Cosmoplitan maga…

