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I stopped participating a Facebook English studying group because the group’s site had been contaminated by money making scam advertisements and transplanted news videos showing depressing violence and natural disasters. , In place of it, …

*work in people = 人間に作用する、人間に有効、

Because both ingredients of this chemical cocktail are already approved by the FDA, Dr Conboy’s team is now planning a clinical trial of 20 volunteers over 65, to see if the cocktail’s rejuvenating power will work in people. Ageing - Reju…

ネコロマンチシズム - 内田百閒 岩波文庫 日本近代随筆選3

ネコロマンチシズム - 内田百閒 岩波文庫 日本近代随筆選3 文芸上の自然主義の後に唱えられた新浪漫主義、ネオロマンチシズムは、墺太利(オーストリア)のフーゴー・フォン・ホフマンシュタールや白耳義(ベルギー)のメーテルリンク等によって若かった私…

再Stagnation or inequality, March 5th 2011 P80 (不況か格差拡大か)

再Stagnation or inequality, March 5th 2011 P80 (不況か格差拡大か) You could be forgiven for missing the publication of the most talked-about economics book of the year so far. The author, Tyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason Universit…

