
Waterfront News

関税局―日米貿易協定原産地規則説明会(未定) 10月9日 U.S. – Japan trade agreement origin rules explanation seminar is planned CTB announced as under that it is going to hold the seminar, and dates and venues are forwarded when they are a…

*piggyback on = 背負う、担ぐ、肩車、おんぶ、(抱き合わせ)

As it happens, rubies are one of Dr Subramanian’s inspirations. His hope is that by piggybacking on the structure of their crystals - already known to yield an appropriately, well, ruby, colour - he might be able to reproduce the effect.…

「金の生い立ち - 邱永漢」中公文庫 金銭読本 から

「金の生い立ち - 邱永漢」中公文庫 金銭読本 から人間は人工衛星をとばすことが出来るかも知れないが、自分の背中を見ることが出来ない。「痒いところに手が届く」という言葉も、裏をかえせば、人間の背中には構造的に言って手の届かない部分があるからに…

再The joyless or the jobless, November 27th 2010 P78 幸福の追及と経済成長

再The joyless or the jobless, November 27th 2010 P78 幸福の追及と経済成長 In 2006 Richard Layard, an economist at the London School of Economics, argued that unhappiness was a bigger social problem in Britain than unemployment. In the ゛De…

