
Waterfront News

関税局―特別緊急関税の発動―ミルク・乳製品及びこれらを含む製品の一部 11月1日発動 10月31日 CTB decides triggering special emergency duty on some dairy produce MOF-CTB announces as under that the tentative duty rates set in Temporary Ta…

*fit in = 割り込む、

Bartley will admit that his own desk is a byword for clutter. Along with the surrounding area, it is covered with books he has enjoyed and wants to keep; books he has started to read and ought to finish; books that he genuinely means to re…

「偏奇館炎上(後半のみ) - 江藤淳」新潮文庫 荷風散策 から

「偏奇館炎上(後半のみ) - 江藤淳」新潮文庫 荷風散策 から「嗚呼余は着のみ着のまゝ家も蔵書もなき身となれるなり」と、先生は嘆じている。「余は偏奇館に隠棲し文筆に親しみしこと数れば二十六年の久しきに及べるなり、(中略)昨夜火に遭ひて無一物となり…

再Strategy1/2, November 2nd 2013 P80 (書評「戦略」)

再Strategy1/2, November 2nd 2013 P80 (書評「戦略」) Everyone, it seems, is in need of a strategy. Governments have lots of them:strategies for health care, energy, housing, and so on. Each area of policy is made to seem more purposeful if…

