
Waterfront News

関税局―EPA輸出関連原産地相談先公表 11月6日 CTB informs the offices in charge of Japan’s EPA country of origin inquiries Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) announces the offices which receive the inquiries on country of origin status for expo…

*on the road = 外回り、(顧客訪問)

The growth of hot-desking flows from the growing number of businesses that use hordes of freelance workers and contractors. Assigning them a permanent desk is not practical. The same may be true for those who work from home two or three da…

「中国の味を伝えるサツマ汁 - 檀一雄」中公文庫 美味放浪記 から

「中国の味を伝えるサツマ汁 - 檀一雄」中公文庫 美味放浪記 から宮崎からえびの高原を越え、林田温泉を過ぎ桜島を眺めやりながら、丘陵をうねってゆく道はいつ通っても、その点景に桜島の噴煙がなびいていて、楽しいものだ。それにもまして、加治木のあた…

再Weather is easily exaggerated, Feb 12th 2011 P84 異常気象と経済的打撃

再Weather is easily exaggerated, Feb 12th 2011 P84 異常気象と経済的打撃 Much of the northern hemisphere has had a miserable winter. Snowstorms shut down many cities and airports across America's east coast this month and last. In Britain a…

