Waterfront Weekly


関税局―「台風19号の被害に対応した税関手続き」を公表 10月17日


CTB announces the introduction of the typhoon related flexible customs measures


Hagibis (aka typhoon No.19) made serious damages to vast areas in the territory, and CTB announces as under that some flexible and simplified customs procedures are activated for smoothing the supply of needed goods and expediting damage recoveries.




MHLW sets a job matching event for foreign students in Osaka MHLW announces as under that the job matching event for foreign students studying Japan at the venue and date as announced.

The expected job seekers are those who are graduating universities in next spring or those who have graduated within last three years. 



アジア発米国向け貨物動向 JIFFA 10月17日


Asia to US Box Traffic for Sept Dips for the First Time in Three Months


Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.



農水省アグリビジネス創出フェア開催 10月16日


MAFF announces the Agriculture Business Creation Fair is held


Dates and venue are informed in the announcement as under. Advance registration is required and its procedure is included in the announcement.




国交省運輸審議会スカイマークの成田空港使用に可と答申 10月16日


MLIT council returns the affirmative answer for Sky Mark Airline’s Narita Airport operation






MLIT released real-estate price index for June 2019


MLIT collected real-estate price data for the month and released the analysis results based on IMF models of which baseline index is 100 in the year of 2010.

And respective figures are:

Land price 101.1, Home 101.7, Condominium 145.5


Press release







Poultry import ban lifted (Denmark)

 Ban against Denmark was lifted as under.



関税局―日米貿易協定、日米デジタル貿易協定の条文・共同声明公表 10月15日


CTB shares U.S. – Japan trade agreement and U.S – Japan Digital trade agreement documents
