Advice sought after

The pictured are champions in Kameari 1 chome and 2 chome for the most flourished “Home Front”.


Advice sought after:

I listen to and dictate BBC programs (podcasts) to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you can tell me what they are saying and also correct my incorrect catching in the attempted transcript.

Thanks in advance.


BBC the Food Chain Portion Distortion

And there is one other idea Pierre has been working on. He calls it Epicurean nudging after the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus he emphasized the importance of the pleasure in all aspects of life
We ran an experiment where we were trying to see if there would be a way to get real restaurant customers to choose smaller portion of food. So it was a kind of all you can eat cafeteria where people could choose as much as they wanted of the main course, the appetizer and the desert for the same price, 15 euros. And we had a regular menu, which just describe simply each dish. But we also had, I called it as Epicurean menu where we emphasize the multi-sensory properties of food that is about the different aromas, flavours, texture and we reminded people that pleasure in food comes from savoring. It ???(1)??? fun is that in the Epicurean menu, people on average chose to eat less food. They ate 17% less. Yet at the end of the meal when we asked them to tell us what would be a fair price for the meal you just had, they were willing to pay about 16% more. So we made people happily willing to pay more for less food. Why? Because they ate more slowly, they ate more mindfully, instead of watching their phones. They paid attention to what they were eating. And as a result they enjoyed ???(2)??? their meal more even though they had consumed less of it.