
イメージ 1









The neglected benefits of the commute - by David Robson (BBC) 8 August 2018 通勤のベネフィット
It can be disheartening to recognize the amount of time we spend in transit. The average Londoner passes more than 40 minutes on each leg of their journey to work, for instance. That means we spend about as much time on the commute as we do socializing or practicing our hobbies. This may be the longest average journey time in Europe, but many other global cities have it even worse.
Who wouldn’t rather spend that time with their friends, at the gym ? or simply vegging out in front of the TV? But a series of studies published during the last couple of years suggest that commuting does have its upsides ? particularly if you are taking public transport. And recognizing those advantages might just make that journey a little grueling.
Accelerated learning
Consider the morning commute. There is no doubt that the stresses of a crowded bus or train can leave you feeling exhausted before you have even arrived at work, but some striking research by Jon Jachimowics at Columbia Business School has shown that you don’t need to feel this drained.
He has found that people who engage in “work-related prospection” ? that is, thinking and planning about the day and week ahead and the steps you need to take to achieve your career goals ? tends to weather the stresses of the journey better than people whose minds wander aimlessly. This translated to greater job satisfaction throughout the day.
Jachimowicz suspects that these benefits come from the fact that it eases the conflict we feel between our roles at home and our roles at work. After all, your behavior at home ? as a flatmate, spouse parent ? will be very different from the ways you are expected to act at work. And some people don’t switch between the roles very naturally, creating a sense of conflict that can compound work-related stress.
“When we’re stuck in between these two roles ? this thing that researchers call ‘role ambiguity’ ? we feel conflict, and that leads to a lot of negative outcomes,” Jachimowicz says ? such as feelings of exhaustion and burnout.
A few moments thinking about the day in front of you can therefore ease the change of gears, reducing the stress once you arrive in the office, he says. “The time period between leaving home and arriving at work is really a wonderful opportunity that people could use to transition between the two roles.”

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