Waterfront Weekly

イメージ 1

Waterfront Weekly

国交省―自動運行船についての国際機関(IMO)における実用化への動き 6月20日

IMO paves ways for unmanned vessels introduction ?

MLIT shares the current position of International Maritime Organization’s works on the subject.

食品検査―メキシコ産アボカド 6月19日

Food safety authority alerted avocado and its preparation from Mexico

The authority alerted that avocado and its preparation because it has identified Bifenthrin, a controlled substance by Food Sanitation Law, from the shipment coming from Mexico.The authority has determined mandatory inspection against the inbound shipments of the stuff from these Mexico.

関税局―貿易統計5月分 6月19日

Trade statistics for May 2019

タイ・ミャンマー上越境相互乗り入れ運送合意 6月18日 JIFFA

Myanmar, Thailand Set to Start Overland Cross-border Transport

Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.
