
The cat survives

The street cat at garbage collection hut has survived the winter. The cat seems to remember me and it was cautious but did not run away. It looks in a good physical condition and fur is healthy. Some one must have kept on feeding it throug…

Max's best shot of the week

It seems that Charlotte was too busy to spend time with Max this week. Yet their love to Max is presented in the form of recipe (pictured). It was not so eventful week for me except yesterday’s seminar. Sumo spring tournament began but my …

and, and problem

I went to a seminarorganized by the Japan Federation of Customs Brokers Association at a conference facility in Shinagawa yesterday. The theme is “U.S. Customs Procedures” and two prominent legal minds in customs related acts and regulatio…

Weekend walking

Nakano Running Festa 2018 on Sunday ? This festa is for the runners as well as forthe audience. Some runners wear unique costumes and many stalls on the course sides offer goodies. The venue is five-minute walk from JR Nakano Station and t…


3月15日木曜日 今朝はブログの機嫌がよかったようで女性消防団員の写真が掲載できました。 爽かや機嫌よき子の独り言(稲畑汀子) 午後からは業界団体が主催する“U.S. Customs Procedure”という演題の講演会に出掛けた。会場が品川駅港南エリアなので運河沿…