
Max’s best shot of the week

In place of Max, I put on a picture of a cat relaxing under a tree shade. This picture is posted to a cat lovers club in Facebook. The taker of shot tells the cat is stray cat and not his one. I am a cat lover but Wife is a hater and there…


6月8日金曜日 午後、お台場のお役所へ届出に伺い、滞りなく受理して頂いた。受理してくれたので敬語調で書いております。 お役所に提出する書類は記入項目が多く記入洩れや添付書類の不備などご指摘いただくこともあります。不備の内容によっては出直しに…

Is loneliness really a health epidemic? - by Eric Klinenberg Feb. 14, 2018 孤独・孤立

Last month, Britain appointed its first “minister for loneliness,” who is charged with tackling what Prime Minister Theresa May called the “sad reality of modern life.” Public-health leaders immediately praised the idea ? and for good reas…