
Ueno Summer Festival (follow up)

Station Master’s opening remark was good because it was short. Then a girls’ school brass band bunged the station concourse filled with audience.

Ueno Festival

Accidentally, I am now at JR Ueno Station main enterance and in which Ueno Summer Festival is starting.


7月20日金曜日 暑い暑いと言っても涼しくはならないのです。 親分にp社の後始末の件で朝っぱらから意見をまくし立ててしまい反省。料金表の件では、少なくとも私が素案は作るべきなのでしょうが、これも親分にやっていただき反省。 親分と姐さん、番頭さ…

Museums venture into virtual reality ? by Jake Cigainero March 27. 2018 バーチャルリアリティ博物館

At European institutions, visitors are immersed in history and art experiences ? At the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, visitors can take a trip to an ice-blue celestial plane surrounded by an aurora borealis. There, a branchi…