
CTB initiates monthly reporting on CPTPP Beef TQ clearance volume information


MAFF announce beef related agreement has reached with the UK

?ANIMAL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS FOR BEEF TO BE EXPORTED TO JAPAN FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM (Great Britain and Northern Ireland only) http://www.maff.go.jp/aqs/hou/require/attach/pdf/sub2-25.pdf ? and also shares the implementations program. Expo…

MHLW/Food inspection allows British beef import

? The office in charge of the issue announce that the import of beef from the UK is allowed? after twenty years of the import ban against the stuff. The announcement is as under. ? https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/houdou/0000178994_00001.html

Cargo handling volume at two airports in Tokyo area

Tokyo Customs shares cargo handling figures at Haneda and Narita Airport for the year 2018 and December 2018 http://www.customs.go.jp/tokyo/narita_haneda-cargo/narita_haneda-cargo2018.htm

Trade statistics for first 20 days in December 2018

Customs and Tariff Bureau of Japan shares the subject line statistics as under. http://www.customs.go.jp/toukei/latest/index_e.htm


1月9日水曜日 写真は日比谷公園西幸門の噴水です。 昨晩の寄り道、コーラクの三杯は飲み過ぎでありました。彼処の酒と魚三の金亀は二杯までにしておかないと怪我をしますなあ。 The tidying guru and reality TV - by Penelope Green, NYT Jan. 5 2019 整…