
Johnny’s best shot of the week

This picture was taken by a person he loves cats but cannot live with a cat with some reasons. I love cats but my wife doesn't and I give it up. There are people who are someone like you.

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Napoleon the Great, September 20th 2014 P77 (ナポレオンー書評) A new biography paints Napoleon as a tactical military genius. But he made some serious strategic mistakes and was far from being a brilliant statesman. Is another long life of…


1月10日木曜日 朝、バス停までの道すがら丸々と肥えた野良猫とスレ違った。一度は振り向いて呉れたが一撮を試みたところ“付き合っていられないよ!”と立ち去った。一度振り向いてくれたから、“ま、いいか”。 人間は面白いかと冬の猫(矢島渚男) 検見衆のま…