
Almost all quiet on the waterfront. This is Johnny any way.

Gluten-free food, October 25th 2014 P59 (グルテン・フリー フード) McDonald's by no means the most accommodating of fast-food chains to people with special dietary requirements. Many of its restaurants in America and Britain do not even ser…

Registered foreign workers number (1.46m) as of October 2018

MHLW shares the labor statistics on the subject line category at the address as under. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_03337.html


1月28日月曜日 しんしんと寒い一日ですが、幸い自宅に籠っております。 思ふこと書信に飛ばし冬籠(高浜虚子) 級友の小泉さんから「休業のお知らせ」という葉書を頂いた。小泉さんとは高校の同級で帰り道も都電23系統でいっしょだった。 行く春や都電は…