
No posting today: High-speed rail, Railroad to nowhere, Sept 3rd 2011

High-speed rail, Railroad to nowhere, Sept 3rd 2011 N2P164 英国の高速鉄 道計画 The pound stores, factory seconds shops, bookies and boarded-up windows around Stoke-on-Trent railway station do not bespeak a thriving city. A meagre tourist t…

Train ad beauty

Train ad beauties tell that your score can be under 100 in two months and you can be a fluent English speaker in six months. Maybe you can be like those. Still I doubt that that sort of quick achievements from my expliences.


2月17日日曜日 はthe地方都市に出掛けて行った。住居の下見か仮契約までするのか?地方都市だから家賃はそう高くないだろう。 は引っ越しの全面的財政支援を決定したようです。まあ、いいか!生前贈与だ。 昨日は病院だけになってしまったので今日QBへ…