
Waterfront News

農水省―アグリビジネス創出フェア開催 10月16日 MAFF announces the Agriculture Business Creation Fair is held Dates and venue are informed in the announcement as under. Advance registration is required and its procedure is included in the…

*act on its own = 独自の行動をとる、

The OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, was meant to tackle digital non-taxation initiative called BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting). Progress, however, has been glacially slow. Fed up with waiting, Europe vowed to act on its own.…

「スランプ - 小林秀雄」文春文庫 考えるヒント から

「スランプ - 小林秀雄」文春文庫 考えるヒント から野球で、あの選手は、当りが出ているとか、この頃はスランプだとか言う。先日、国鉄の豊田選手と飲んでいて、そのスランプの話になったが、彼は、面白い事を言った。「スランプが無くなれば、名人かな -…

再Randomised control trial 1/2, December 14th 2013 P68 (無作為抽出調査)

再Randomised control trial 1/2, December 14th 2013 P68 (無作為抽出調査) It all began with a white envelope. Inside, a letter from the provost of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offered three young economists at MIT $100,000 to sp…

