Waterfront Weekly


Waterfront Weekly


東京税関―成田・羽田二空港貨物取扱量統計2020年分及び12月分 1月22日

 Cargo handling volume at two airports in Tokyo area

Tokyo Customs shares cargo handling figures at Haneda and Narita Airport for 2020 calendar year and December 2020.

2020年 : 東京税関 Tokyo Customs


東京税関―成田空港輸出入貿易統計2020年分 1月22日

Trade Statistics of Narita Airport for 2020

Tokyo Customs Statistic section collects and analyzes the trade trend at the airport as under.

tokuR02soku.pdf (customs.go.jp)


関税局―貿易統計2020年及び12月分 1月21日 

Trade statistics for 2020 and December 2020

Latest press release(December 2020 & Calender Year January - December 2020 (Provisional)) : Trade Statistics of Japan Ministry of Finance (customs.go.jp)


関税局―英日CEPAのFAQを更新 1月21日


<818392CA8AD62B8C6F98412B945F90858A6D94468DCF818432303231303139395F81798C668DDA977081698DEC8BC69286816A817A93FA89704550418349839383898343839390E096BE89EF834183938350815B836781458EBF96E22E786C7378> (customs.go.jp)


食品検査―コートジボアール産カカオ豆 1月21日 

Food safety authority alerted Côte d'Ivoire’s cacao bean.

The authority alerted that cacao beans of Côte d'Ivoire provenance because it has identified aflatoxin, a substance controlled by Food Sanitation Law, from the cacao bean shipment coming from Côte d'Ivoire. The authority has determined mandatory inspection against the inbound shipments of the stuff from Côte d'Ivoire.

輸入食品に対する検査命令の実施|厚生労働省 (mhlw.go.jp)



国交省JR東日本羽田空港アクセス線の事業許可 1月21日

MLIT grants the railway operation license to Haneda Airport to Japan Rail East.

報道発表資料:東日本旅客鉄道株式会社「羽田空港アクセス線」の鉄道事業許可<br>~羽田空港への新たなアクセスルートにより、利用者利便性が向上します~ - 国土交通省 (mlit.go.jp)



Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) adds Classification Case studies.

Heading of 2005, 2103, 3926, 6301, 6302 and 6307 have additional cases studies.

輸入貨物の品目分類事例 : 税関 Japan Customs