
A co-op supermarket

The co-op supermarket near my home has innovated its paying system since last week. The new system switched the payment from a customer to an employ to a customer to a machine collector. A customer, now, moves to the machine after his/her …


2月10日土曜日 三連休の頭なので、あとの二日を楽にするためせっせと家事をこなした。 午後は、生協にお米を買いに行ったが、生協も自分で機械に紙幣・貨幣を入れて精算する方式にした。 商品の読み取りまではレジのおばさんがしてくれるが現金で支払う場…

2/2 Mining the moon for profits - by Kenneth Chang Nov. 29, 2017 宇宙鉱物開発

Smoothing a Path to Space Rocks Another space upstarts is Planetary Resources, a small company in an unremarkable office park outside Seattle. Its early investors included Larry Page, cofounder of Google, and Charles Simonyi, a former chie…