
Shanghai Modern Bamboo Carvings Exhibition atJapan-China Friendship Center Museum

The Exhibition is from Feb. 1 to Feb. 25 (Wednesdaysare closed) at the venue as above. 80 creations of contemporary craftsmen-artists are displayed. http://www.jcfc.or.jp/blog/archives/11232

Train ad beauty

This is an advertising poster for DNAsequencing and I don’t make out why a woman eating looks-like confectionary and looking down on the viewers has any relevance. The benefits of genome sequencing for prevention could be further recognize…


2月14日水曜日 結構なお酒とお魚をいただき、やや寝不足ではありましたが無事通勤いたしました。因みに昨晩のお代はお一人六千円也でございました。至極妥当なお値段で気持ち良くお支払いたしました。 割り算の余りの始末きうりもみ(上野遊馬) 朝の電車の…