
Friday February 23

Before going to a customs office in theairport cargo area, I went to the third passenger terminal also known as LCC terminal to which I have never stepped in. LCC terminal is 500 meters from the north-end of the Terminal 2 and passage way …


2月23日金曜日 今日は午後イチで成田税関の保税部門に報告に上がることになっておりまして、陽気が良ければ京成本線沿いにある名所旧跡を散歩して時間調整をするのであるが、この天気、小雨小寒、ではその気にならない。 そこで名所の代わりに未踏の成田…

Icon of the Philippines is endangered - by Aurora Almendral Dec. 27, 2017 (フィリピンのジプニー)

In Alvin Ocampo’s 18-year-old jeepney, the dashboard is held together with yards of peeling electrical tape. The only concession to Manila’s stifling heat is a fan screwed to the ceiling. And unless you count the padlocked mental grate in …