
C course lunch

I didn't eat breakfast as I was taking medical check this morning. After X-ray, meeting with a physician, waiting for prescription medicine at a pharmacy. In addition, I went to a barbershop for trimming my remaining few. All these things …


3月16日金曜日 トイレの電球が切れた!URはLEDではなく蛍光灯球を使っているので切れることがある。 急いで買って帰れとの主命である。(当に今日の句の如しである。) 「洗面所の灯りはつくから、ドアを開けて入ればよかろう?慌てることもあるまい。」と…

1/2 Can we teach a computer to predict when we'll die? - by Siddharthe Mukherjee 死期の予知

Of the many small humiliations heaped on a young oncologist in his final year of fellowship, perhaps this one carried the oddest bite: A 2-year-old balck –and-white cat named Oscar was apparently better than most doctors at predicting when…