
MAFF releases the outbound trade statistics on farm/maritime products and food for 2018

It announces that the exported value in the year 2018 is JPYen 900 billion and it is 12.4% increase when it is compared with the value of the previous year and 6 years straight increasing. http://www.maff.go.jp/j/press/shokusan/kaigai/1902…

MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for December 2018

MHLW shares the once dishonest statistics on labor market situation again After a few months of silence, the ministry resumes statistics sharing on the payments to the workers. The figure tampering seems not the monopoly of the neighboring…

Food Inspection Office publishes the revised safety standards on pesticide residues

MHLW announces that the revised safety standards on the residues set as under are to be implemented. The Act concerned is Food Sanitation Act. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000477470.pdf

Customs submits regulatory revision bill to Parliament for their reading

Customs and Tariff Bureau announces as under that its revision bill to the parliament. This year’s revisions are comparatively small changes and some extensions of current regulations and Tariff. http://www.customs.go.jp/kaisei/horitsu.htm…

Train ad beauty

This ad is for mental counselor training and licensing course. Listening to others’ agony and making money could make you happy in double. Now I have agony because the tube train I am being packed is stops at Nishi-Nippori because the trai…


2月11日月曜日 午前中は雪が舞ったが積もらず。 窓ガラス、アルミサッシの結露を何度も拭くことになった。 時間が過ぎの興奮状態もやや治まり、は自分に言い聞かせるように“皆、よかったわね!って言うのよ。”とポツリと洩らしております。 の動揺が少し…