

(巻二十一)尋問の罠を工夫の夜なべかな(大沢鷹雪) 2月28日木曜日 の独立運動は着実に前進しているようだ。運転免許も頂いたようだが、身分証明程度しておいていただきたい。リビングルームにはすでに段ボールが積まれいる。家具類の引っ越しはないので宅…

Not quiet, but cats make me happy and probably you, too?

Online asset, April 21st 2012 P65 N7P85 デジタル資産の遺贈と相続 Lorne Gladstone of Toronto is 58, but prudently pondering how to bequeath his digital property. Doing the paperwork after his parents' death was a challenge. ゛When my time c…

Tariff Quota consumed by the end of January 2019

Tariff quotas are set on beef, pork and dairy product and other items, and their import by using quota are monthly putout for telling the remaining volume. The customs’ announcements are at the links as under http://www.customs.go.jp/kaise…

CTB decides triggering special emergency duty on some starch containing products in HS1901

MOF-CTB announces as under that the tentative duty rates set in Temporary Tariff Measures Act (lower tariff) is not applicable from March 1, 2019 resulting from the mobilization of Article 7-3 of the Temporary Tariff Measure Act. This mean…


2月27日水曜日 写真は以前一撮した都電荒川線(サクラトラム)の町屋駅付近です。線路は変わりませんが町屋も随分変わりました。 お目影を留めているのは京成のガードくらいですかねえ。 火葬場も新しくなったしね。 露の世や四十分で人焼ける(縣展子) アー…