
Waterfront Weekly

Waterfront Weekly 国交省―釣り振興モデル港募集 5月31日 ? MLIT invites candidate ports for sport fishing and tourism promotion program ?? ? MLIT has been touching on whatever it can touch, and it now touches breakwaters which it built and is…

MLIT invites candidate ports for sport fishing and tourism promotion program

国交省―釣り振興モデル港募集 5月31日 ? MLIT invites candidate ports for sport fishing and tourism promotion program ?? ? MLIT has been touching on whatever it can touch, and it now touches breakwaters which it built and is maintaining. Brea…

Addition of Businesses Required to Submit Prior Notification Concerning Inward Direct Investment, et

経産省―対内直接投資等に関する業種告示等の改正告示 ? Addition of Businesses Required to Submit Prior Notification Concerning Inward Direct Investment, etc. ? METI announces the revisions on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act with re…

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Human beings and dogs, Aug 6th 2011 P67 N5P146 ゛人間と犬゛(書評)? The relationship between people and dogs is unique. Among domesticated animals, only dogs are capable of performing such a wide variety of roles for humans:herding sheep, …


5月30日木曜日 アーティは明日が最終日であたしゃ明日はお休みで、そんだもんで今日が最後で帰りに際に多謝いたしました。 誠実な方でしたので入所から今日まで何とか過ごせたのもアーティのお蔭でございます。改めて多謝。 月末で勤務時間の登録の締め切…