Waterfront Weekly

Waterfront Weekly

国交省―釣り振興モデル港募集 5月31日
MLIT invites candidate ports for sport fishing and tourism promotion program ??
MLIT has been touching on whatever it can touch, and it now touches breakwaters which it built and is maintaining. Breakwaters surrounding small fishery ports are popular angling spots for sport fishing, and MLIT plots to give an endorsement a port which satisfy the five items requisites such as safety arrangement.
経産省―対内直接投資等に関する業種告示等の改正告示 5月31日
Addition of Businesses Required to Submit Prior Notification Concerning Inward Direct Investment, etc.
METI announces the revisions on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act with regard to Inward Direct Investment, etc. The announcement as under is in English.
国交省シベリア鉄道利用促進についての4者覚書署名 5月30日

MOU on Trans-Siberian Intermodal Operation is signed by four parties

MLIT announces that two ministries, Russian Rail and Japan’s operators association (TSIOAJ) have signed the MOU about the promotion of the intermodal operation.


MLIT released real-estate price index for February 2019

MLIT collected real-estate price data for the month and released the analysis results based on IMF models of which baseline index is 100 in the year of 2010.

And respective figures are:

Land price 101.1, Home 101.9, Condominium 148.8

関税局―5月初旬貿易統計発表 5月30日

Trade statistics for first 10 days in May

国交省―ガーデン・ツーリズム広報 5月29日

MLIT starts garden tourism project

MLIT touches on whatever they think they can sell, and promoting garden-tourism, and designates six gardens across the country.

The press release introduces six gardens with the pictures.

(Press release)


(Additional information)

サウジアラビア―フレイト・フォーワーダー免許関連情報 5月28日 JIFFA

Saudi Arabia Requires Copy of Forwarder's License

Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.

農水省―食料・農業・農村白書公表 5月28日

MAFF publishes Food, Agriculture and Agricultural Community Whitepaper

国交省―訪日外国人流動調査公表 5月28日

MLIT shares the Data about foreign tourists’ behavior and consumption

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT) has compiled and completed statistical processing on the data provided by immigration, Japan Tourism Agency and other resources, and created the subject line data. MLIT releases the data for public use yesterday.
The publicized FF-Data is based on the base-line figures collected by 2017 and then they were processed to create the most probable figures which could be helpful for, such as, inferring the moving and staying patterns by their nationalities


Export Trade Control compliance reading materials

METI shares Export Trade Control Manual and Cases Studies for Universities and Research Institutes.

経産省―日本ベンチャー大賞発表 5月28日

Announcement of the Winners of the Nippon Venture Awards

METI announced the Awards winners.
