
MLIT announces the ocean container handling trend report for 2018

国交省―2018年の海上コンテナ貨物取扱量 7月4日 ? MLIT announces the ocean container handling trend report for 2018 ? https://www.mlit.go.jp/report/press/port03_hh_000062.html

MLIT announces 40-foot ocean container passable roads

国交省―40フィートコンテナの道路使用許可申請不要区間周知 7月4日 ? MLIT announces 40-foot ocean container passable roads?????????????? ? MLIT announces as under that 40-foot ocean containers are able to use designated sections of main ro…

METI Export Trade Control Office announces the schedules of Explanation seminars

経産省―輸出貿易管理―年間説明会予定更新 7月4日 ? METI Export Trade Control Office announces the schedules of Explanation seminars ? METI’s Export Trade Control Office updates seminar schedule. ? https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/anpo/seminar0…

Plant Quarantine updates Republic of Korea’s quarantine conditions information

植物検疫―韓国の植物検疫情報表更新7月4日済 ? Plant Quarantine updates Republic of Korea’s quarantine conditions information ? Plant Quarantine office has been collecting information on other countries’ plant quarantine requisites on posta…

No posting today, and it rains heavily here.

Multilingualism, May 30th 2015 P77 (多言語主義) Human beings are not born with the knowledge that others possess minds with different contents. Children develop such a “theory of mind”gradually, and even adults have it only imperfectly. Bu…


7月3日水曜日 朝のプロントでお婆さんと隣り合わせた。お話したいしたいのお婆さんで邪険にも出来ずお話をうかがった。独居のようで集合住宅に棲み時々ヘルパーさんが来るらしい。次第に愚痴になり、近所とのゴミトラブルなんぞのお話を15分ほど聞きまし…