Waterfront Weekly





Waterfront Weekly


動物検疫―家きん輸入規制報道一覧表1月7日現在 1月8日

Animal Quarantine shares the list of news release on Poultry import ban as of Jan.7, 2021 and provinces of the Netherlands and provinces of Hungary are added to the restriction.

生きた家きん・家きん肉等の輸入を一時停止している国:動物検疫所 (maff.go.jp)


EU-船社の契約外サーチャージ要求に対し荷主・フォーワーダ―が欧州委員会に対処要求 JIFFA 1月7日

Shippers, Forwarders Call on European Commission to Act

Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.

Shippers, Forwarders Call on European Commission to Act | News | JIFFA - Japan International Freight Forwarders Association Inc


Plant Quarantine updates UK’s quarantine conditions information
Plant Quarantine office has been collecting information on other countries’ plant quarantine requisites on the stuff concerned. The office disseminates the information on the United Kingdom as of January 4, 2021 at the link as under.
英国:植物防疫所 (maff.go.jp)


動物検疫―家きん輸入規制報道一覧表12月29日現在 1月4日

Animal Quarantine shares the list of news release on Poultry import ban as of Dec.29, 2020

生きた家きん・家きん肉等の輸入を一時停止している国:動物検疫所 (maff.go.jp)


関税局―関税率表、輸出統計品目表2021.Jan版を公表 1月4日

Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) publishes Tariff Schedule and Export Statistics Code Book effective on January 1, 2021 as under.

実行関税率表(2021年1月1日版) : 税関 Japan Customs

輸出統計品目表(2021年版) : 税関 Japan Customs



Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) revises its Japan’s HS Classification Opinion and Classification Case studies.

Chapters 21,39,42, 62 and 63 in the Opinion as under are revised.

関税率表解説・分類例規 : 税関 Japan Customs

Chapter 29 and Heading of 2005, 2103, 6301, 6302 and 6307 in the Case Studies as under are revised.

輸入貨物の品目分類事例 : 税関 Japan Customs


関税局―提出書類への押印廃止広報 1月4日

CTB announces that Customs revises the Hanko (seal) requirements to the forms to be submitted for customs procedures and announces it in the following announcement.

税関手続に係る押印等の廃止等について : 税関 Japan Customs