Advice sought after


Heat wave hits and doves are holing up under shades. Spotted at Hikifune-gawa promenade, Kameari 1 Chome.


Advice sought after:

I listen to and dictate BBC programs (podcasts) to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you can tell me what they are saying and also correct my incorrect catching in the attempted transcript.

Thanks in advance.


BBC Crowd Science Would my cat survive in the wild?

Cats are also crucial for human as they started to migrate to overseas. They killed rodents on the ships. That's protecting precious foods stores, sails and even the wood of ship itself. So where humans travelled, so did cats. Though you've ever tried to get a cat near water you might suspect they got them on board in a rather coercive way. But it was quite unlike the domestication of dogs who were selected and bred for different tasks, the cats were doing what came naturally.
So, the cats were not, particularly, changed by human. There was no need. I always say cats were fond of the beginning, perfect for humans. They did exactly what humans wanted them to do. So there was no needs to select any particular character or traits of these cats. And there was no ???(1)??? change in the genomes except the behavior.
The cats are solitary animals. And domestic ???(2)??? solitary. They tolerate humans, more or less. And they tolerate other cats, more or less. So there must have been the change in the behavior. They become less afraid of humans, less shy. This is something we would like to see in genome, but behaviors are very complex. These behavioral traits are integrated in the multiple genes, this is not very well known yet.