

7月29日土曜日 柏の名医のところに行き定期点検を受ける。血圧大良好で上115下80であった。 習いにより、柏駅西口の庄屋で海鮮丼で一杯いたしたが、お祭り料金のようでいつもより高い。酒の注ぎ方もぞんざいで枡が傾いていて、コップも枡もナミナミ…

2/2 When the rich get richer - by Angus Deaton (中間層の減少と民主主義の危機ー書評)

Of course, the fears about industrialization were realized, and by the late 19th century, in the Gilded Age, income inequality had reached levels comparable to those we see today. In perhaps the most original part of his book, Sitaraman, a…