

8月19日土曜日 最後に表札を外し旧宅の撤去を完了した。 風鈴をはずし虚空に風還す(梶原ひな子) 城引渡しは五日後でござる。 無理強ひをせぬが酒豪や大石忌(鷹羽狩行) 空模様が怪しかったので自宅近くまで急ぎたち戻り、蕎麦屋の吉楽で昼食といたした。 …

2/2 How to catch hackers? Sleuthing, with a twist - by Katrin Bennhold and Mark Scott (ハッカーの検挙)

In the case of the ransomware that was unleashed Friday and is known as WannaCry, Wcry or Wanna Decryptor, it was quickly determined that updating Windows software with the latest security patch was enough to inoculate computers that had n…