
2/2 The 747: Love at first sight - by Mark Vanhoenacker - Oct. 13, 2017 (ボーイング747ジャンボ機)

The hopes and fears of the era that gave us the 747 can seem distant. Nor is it easy, in the age of the internet, to feel the same awe at the 747’s ability to shrink and connect the world. Looking back, it's perhaps enough to marvel at the…


Internet connection from my PC through VDSL is terrible this morning and I can't post the second half of the NYT article about retiring 747 until it is connected.


1月6日土曜日 星野仙一氏訃報の着信音で目覚めた。70歳での逝去であるから、早いと云えば今の世の中では早い。 午後は図書館へ行き、「角川俳句」を捲った。 熱中も夢中のときも過ぎて秋(鷹羽狩行) 野をゆけど野に親しまず冬の川(田中裕明) すぐそこと傘…