
No posting today. This is Marley

End-of-life care, October 4th 2014 P86 (末期介護ー書評) Too many old people in the developed world end their lives in hospital, hooked up to machines and surrounded by strangers. That needs to change. Would life still be worth living if yo…

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A punching beauty.


2月3日日曜日 節分や灰をならしてしづごころ(久保田万太郎) 節分というと毎年この句になります。“しづごころ”はなかなか得られずですが。 が恵方巻きを買って来いと言うので駅前まで出掛けた。広告に出ていた崎陽軒の一本七百三十円の恵方巻きを二本か、そ…