
CTB says Japan Customs does not demand too much for EU-JP EPA origin declaration

関税局―日EU EPA 提出資料について柔軟対応を表明? 3月14日住 ? CTB says Japan Customs does not demand too much for EU-JP EPA origin declaration ? Origin statement and additional detailed statement are the requisites for applying EU=JP EPA…

CTB releases advance ruling on customs valuation regarding the importing good in a third country

関税局―評価事前教示回答公表―第三国保管輸入取引貨物の保管等に伴う諸費用手数料非加算3月14日 ? CTB releases advance ruling on customs valuation regarding the importing good in a third country ? The goods concerned are transacted between sel…

CTB releases advance ruling on customs valuation with regard to buying commission

関税局―評価事前教示回答公表―買い付け手数料非加算 CTB releases advance ruling on customs valuation with regard to buying commission ? In which customs decides that the payment for the buyer’s agent who solely working for the buyer’s interes…


3月13日水曜日 ガラホの充電器を忘れてきた。 “ときわ”に駆け込んで酢の物の盛り合わせで一杯いたし、器の底の酢まで飲んだ。旨し!お疲れでもございまして本日はこれにて失礼いたします。 明日朝おきられるかいな?