CTB says Japan Customs does not demand too much for EU-JP EPA origin declaration

関税局―日EU EPA 提出資料について柔軟対応を表明? 3月14日住


CTB says Japan Customs does not demand too much for EU-JP EPA origin declaration


Origin statement and additional detailed statement are the requisites for applying EU=JP EPA tariff when goods are imported into Japan by using preferential tariff of the agreement. And that is the procedures set by Japan Customs.

These requirements are demanding and some of the products’ information, such as production processes and ingredients are trade secrets of sellers, manufactures and exporters. This customs demands has sometimes prevented the importers to use the tariff advantage, and EU traders and their industry bodies have expressed concerns.

It may be, may not be, because of this EU complaint, CTB puts the announcement as under saying that “best knowledge is sufficient” and customs does not demand what information the declarant cannot obtain in very difficult language to decipher.
