
US ? President terminates GSP status for India

米国―インドへの一般特恵(GSP)譲許を終了 6月4日 ? US ? President terminates GSP status for India ? International Trade Compliance Update (ITCU) shares the subject line information. https://www.internationaltradecomplianceupdate.com/2019/…

MLIT shares air transport statistics for March 2019

国交省―航空輸送統計3月分公表 6月4日 ? MLIT shares air transport statistics for March 2019 ? It says international transport in the term of kilo/ton dropped by 18.5% and load factor was 55.5% https://www.mlit.go.jp/report/press/joho05_hh…

METI sets passenger vehicles fuel efficiency target by 2030

経産省―2030年度までの乗用車燃費改善目標設定 6月4日 ? METI sets passenger vehicles fuel efficiency target by 2030 ? The target set is 25.4km/l and it is 32.4% improvement when it is compared with the actual fuel consumption average of…

Russia and Japan have agreed meat health requirements as under.

動物検疫―ロシアから日本国向けに輸出される加熱処理された偶蹄類の動物の肉等の 家畜衛生条件合意 6月4日 ? Russia and Japan have agreed meat health requirements as under. ? Animal Health Requirements for heat-processed meat and meat products …

MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for FY 2018

厚労省―勤労統計調査2018年度分公表 6月4日 MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for FY 2018 Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL) releases the statistics for FY2018 as under. By FY comparison to 2017, it says that the …

Tokyo Customs Publishes Trade Statistics Chronology for FY2018

東京税関―30年度貿易統計年表公表 6月4日 ? Tokyo Customs Publishes Trade Statistics Chronology for FY2018 ? http://www.customs.go.jp/tokyo/etu/ftp/nenkaku.htm

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Silver tsunami, February 6th 2010 P66 (団塊世代の技術伝承) Martin Amis and Christopher Buckley are writers who are entering their silver years and are worried about the costs of an ageing population. Mr Aims, who has a new novel out, recen…


6月3日月曜日 今日は冬もののシーツをはがして夏ものに替えて冬ものを洗濯した。併せて息子の部屋のマットレスを畳んで押入にしまった。息子の部屋もガランとしてきた。は淋しいと言い始めたが、確かに部屋がきれいになるにつれて居なくなってくるなあ。 …