Advice sought after


Playing in the water, Kameari 1 chome.


Advice sought after:

I listen to and dictate BBC programs (podcasts) to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you can tell me what they are saying and also correct my incorrect catching in the attempted transcript.

Thanks in advance.


BBC the Life Scientific David Eagleman on why reality is an illusion

Hello. Today with the help of my guest, David Eagleman, I'm going to get inside of your head. Please to be warned some of we hope to discuss could mess with your mind.
For example, everything you see, taste, hear. smell and feel is not real. Every image, every flavour, every sound is an illusion, created in the dark recess of our brains.
Bottom line, the some ???(1)??? human experience is nothing more than ???(2)??? electrical impulse running between our neurones. This is not rocket science of course. ???(3)??? there ???(4)???. But it does run counter to that feeling we all have the way we experience the world as it is.
Not so, says neuro-scientist David Eagleman, for each brain creates its own unique truth. In the next half hour or so, I want to find out what got David into the thinking of how we perceive the world. And how after many years spent studying perception, he is now helping people who were born deaf to hear with their skin.
In 2015, he asked can we create new senses. His answer is resounding yes. In the future, he believes humans may be well able
to see in infrared or feel patterns in the big data, sub-consciously sensing fluctuation of the stock markets or contents of twitter feed.
David Eagleman from Stanford University in California. Welcome to the Life Science.