Advice sought after

Advice sought after

Cast-off cicada shell

Haiku created by Takanashi Keiichi


I wonder if it's a cicada's mukuro near the sky cicada (by AI)

Cast-off cicada shell side by side with a corpse (my attempt)


Advice sought after:

I listen to and dictate BBC programs (podcasts) to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you can tell me what they are saying and also correct my incorrect catching in the attempted transcript.

Thanks in advance.


BBC Money Box How to retire young

Would you be willing or even able to save three quarters of your wages? So you can retire in your thirties. That's the concept behind the FIRE movement:Financial Independence Retire Early. And it is coming popular with many, particularly but not exclusively, millenniums, fed up with corporate rat race. He wants to do something more meaningful with their lives, but it can require extreme frugality. Doesn't sound much fun and saving majority of your salary is impossible for those on lower income. So it may not sound ???(1)??? you but actually there are some important financial lessons in FIRE for us all.
Barney Whiter joins me, a FIRE blogger in the U.K. Welcome to Money Box Live, Barney (Hello.) So tell me a little more about FIRE. Where does it come from?
I guess you can trace the roots back to in history ???(2)??? Downton Abbey. That's the example of the aristocracy who lived off their wealth and didn't have to work. And I guess what financial independence is modern-day equivalent of that. This ???(3)??? open to everyone to save their money and ???(4)??? work for you and hopefully get to a point where work becomes optional.
And originated in the States?
Yes, and so in the States there was a book written and ???(5)??? sometime ago and it has grown as a movement and it's very popular ???(6)??? now.
Claer Barrett, Editor of FT Money also joins me. Welcome to Money Box Live. Claer, you are a bit of skeptic. Why?
Oh, I agree with the first part of FIRE, financial Independence. I don't like RE, retire early. I just don't think that is practical to the people they're thinking in their thirties or forties or even their fifties necessarily ???(7)??? they can retire early or take the option not to work because we are all living longer. We've got to think very hard about how we are going to save for, you know, in our later life ???(8)??? retirement or not, but we shouldn't stop.