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Software helps self-driving cars learn faster - by Cade Metz 無人自動車の学習能力加

These algorithms can learn tasks on their own by analyzing vast amounts of data. “It used to be that a real smart Ph.D. sat in a cube for six months, and they would hand-code a detector” that spotted objects on the road. Mr. Urmson said during recent interview at Aurora offices. “Now, you gather the right kind of data and feed it to an algorithm, and a day later, you have something that works as well as that six months of work from the Ph.D.

This is an article in the New York Times International, which I bought a few months ago.
My interest and attention are given to the section I put above.
If an algorithm can push Mr. Ph.D. instantly, then what does educting and training oneself with toil and tears, plus loans mean? What one thinks as life suring skills and knowledge can disappear when
an algorithm turns up. It is truly an age of uncertainty for millenarians.
And I am happily fading.