「揚州大明寺 - 陳舜臣」文春文庫 巻頭随筆3 から


「揚州大明寺 - 陳舜臣」文春文庫 巻頭随筆3 から

- 揚州はこじんまりした、しずかなまちですね。鑑真さんにふさわしい気がします。

再2The decline of golf, December 20th 2014 P105 2/3 (ゴルフの凋落2/3)


再2The decline of golf, December 20th 2014 P105 2/3 (ゴルフの凋落2/3)


In some markets outside America, golf is on the rise. In China, where Mao Zedong banned golf in 1949 and building new private courses is illegal, it is still booming. According to Dan Washburn, author of “The Forbidden Game”, plenty of courses are built under the guise of adding “green space” and “ecotourism zones”, but a recent crackdown by the central government on corruption has slowed new course development. The party is not over, says Mr Curley, the architect,“but all the lights are on and the cops are out at the curb”. Yet in most mature markets, such as Australia, Japan, England, Ireland and even Scotland, golf is struggling. In England, for instance, the number of people playing golf at least once a month has declined by more than a quarter since 2007 and golf-club membership is down. In Australia club membership has fallen by a fifth since its peak in 1998. In Japan golf participation is down more than 40% from its high in the early 1990s, although numbers have stabilised in recent years. There are some green shoots:in the Czech Republic golf is growing, as it is in Germany. But these markets are a small fraction of the size of America's. To some extent, golf's appeal has become its undoing. Its calm, meditative quality does not suit the frenetic pace of modern life. Playing 18 holes, the game's standard, takes four and a half hours or more, not counting commuting or lunch. Time-starved Americans rarely devote so many hours to anything - other than, perhaps, a transcontinental flight and sleep. Golf is a hard sport to master. In 1914 Woodrow Wilson spoke for many frustrated golfers when he described the game as “an ineffectual attempt to put an elusive ball into an obscure hole with implements ill-adapted to the purpose”. Robert O'Neill, the Navy Seal who shot Osama bin Laden, was urged by his psychologist to take up golf, but found it “more stressful than combat”. Nor can it be neglected for some time and picked up again with ease, like skiing or tennis. Its rule-book is some 200 pages long, too big to tote around in a golf bag. “Golf is my life, but I'm still learning new rules every time I play,” says Charles Grace, who works on Wall Street and has been a golfer for 13 years. And golf has been getting even harder. During the 1990s and early 2000s professional golfers were getting better and innovations in equipment enabled them to hit balls farther so developers competed against each other to build more challenging, longer courses favoured strong, male golfers and become more challenging and time-consuming for the average player. Golf's ranks were expected to swell when baby-boomers retired, but many of them have found the arduous courses too much like hard work. When a star comes along, the game can suddenly enjoy an unexpected boost. In 1913 Francis Ouimet, a former caddy, won the US Open golf at the age of 20. His photo on the front pages of newspapers raised awareness about the sport. About a decade ago the rise of a pretty female golfer, Ai Miyazato, encouraged a wave of young Japanese women to try amateur golf. But no star has been a more powerful draw to new players than Tiger Woods. When Mr Woods, arguably the best golfer of all time, started winning championships in the late 1990s, people who had previously thought of golf as playtime for rich, white men stepped onto the tee. Unfortunately, stars' wobbles can hurt the sport as much as their superb swings can help it. In 2009 the “Tiger bubble”burst when it became known that Mr Woods was behaving badly off the course. He then started to play badly on it. Professional golf is still a healthy business, but nobody has succeeded in replacing Mr Woods's broad appeal. Having Barack Obama as America's “golfer-in-chief” has not drawn new fans to the sport. This month's cover of Golf Digest features Johnny Manziel, a well-known American football player. He has little connection to the sport, but is better known in America than most professional golfers.


















 BBC Radio 4
Smart Consumer
Second-Hand Clothes
(After 03 minutes 20 seconds from the beginning)
Go ahead =進行する、実施される
Well London Fashion Week went ahead anyway, but, instead of calling for cancellation, charity Oxfam sought a different approach. They launched a counter-campaign called Second Hand September, encouraging people to resist buying any new clothes for 30 days. *********** on Instagram had taken up at the time of recording, hashtag ********* 34,000 posts. I spoke to ********** *********, Oxfam’s sustainable fashion expert.


 「いろいろの死 - 尾崎一雄岩波文庫 日本近代随筆選1 から


 「猫の死について - 村上春樹新潮文庫 村上朝日堂の逆襲 から

この猫は元気がよくて固太りした食欲旺盛な雄猫で - このへんの描写は村上龍氏のパーソナリティとは無関係 - 性格も開放的で、うちに来るお客にはなかなか受けが良かった。膀胱の具合が悪くなるといくぶん元気がなくなりはしたが、前日まではとてもそのまま死んだりするようには見えなかった。近所の獣医さんのところにつれていってたまった尿を抜いてもらい、結石を溶かす薬を飲ませたのだが、一夜明けると台所の床にうずくまって目をぱっちりと開いたまま冷たくなっていた。猫というのはいつも実にあっさりと死んでしまうものである。あまりにも死に顔がきれいだったので、日なたにそのまま置いておけば解凍されて生き返るんじゃないかという気がしたほどだった。

Waterfront Weekly

1月の物流動向 JIFFA


DI for Transportation, Warehousing down 3.1 Points in Jan.


Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.



関税局―貿易統計1月上中旬分 2月7日


Trade statistics for first 20 days in January 2020



厚労省―勤労統計2019年12月分 2月7日


MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for December 2019


Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers increased by 0.4 % and for part time workers it increased by 0.5%, and part time worker’s hourly wage rose 2.9% when they are compared with the same month in2018.



関税局―関税率表解説及び国際分類例規の改定と追加 2月6日 Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) announces updated HS Classification rules CTB announces as under that classification rules, E-notes and Opinions, are revised and they are going to be effective from March 1.


These revisions and additions are reflection of WCO HS Classification Committee’s discussions and decisions. WCO usually releases the results of the Committee’s meeting results in English and French but it has not yet shared the documents. Or maybe I have not been able to spot the news in the WCO’s homepage by now.


経産省―東京及び横浜通商事務所に業務集約(英語版) 2月6日


METI’s English announcement

Important Notice for Trade License Applicants in Kanto Area



経産省―東京及び横浜通商事務所に業務集約 2月5日


METI closes some of its out offices around Tokyo.


METI announces as under that it intends to concentrate the trade certification and trade related matters to its Tokyo and Yokohama offices.




動物検疫―デンマークからの家きん輸入停止 2月5日 Poultry import ban (a province in Hungary) Animal Quarantine Office announces that poultry from Denmark is banned because bird flu has been identified in the region. https://www.maff.go.jp/j/press/syouan/douei/200131.html


植物防疫―英国及び米国の植物防疫体制情報を更新 2月5日


Plant Protection shares information on the U.K’s. and the U.S.A’s Plant Protection measures


Plant Protection Office has been collection the information on other countries’ plant protection enforcement and updated the U.K’s. and the U.S.A’s as under.


The U.K as of Jan.31 2020



The U.S.A as of Feb.3 2020


Waterfront News

1月の物流動向 JIFFA


DI for Transportation, Warehousing down 3.1 Points in Jan.


Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.



関税局―貿易統計1月上中旬分 2月7日


Trade statistics for first 20 days in January 2020




厚労省―勤労統計2019年12月分 2月7日


MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for December 2019


Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers increased by 0.4 % and for part time workers it increased by 0.5%, and part time worker’s hourly wage rose 2.9% when they are compared with the same month in2018.



「未来を考える古典の本 - 田中優子」岩波文庫 読書という体験 から


「未来を考える古典の本 - 田中優子岩波文庫 読書という体験 から

今でも文庫本の表紙を開けると、その裏に「初折」「名残の折」「月の座」「花の座」など、学生時代に連句の構成を書いた手書きのメモが、消えることもなくそこにある。一頁めをめくると、「たそやとばしるかさのさざんか」 - 芭蕉の発句に答えた野水の脇句が眼にとびこむ。これを読むたびに私の脳裏には、ぼろぼろの旅衣に破れ笠をかぶった人物の後ろ姿が見えるのである。その人物に、「たそや=誰ですか?」と呼びかける。彼が振り返ろうとするその笠に、白いさざんかの花が落ちてばっしと当たり、はっとその花びらが飛び散る。脳裏の映像はここで終わるので、残念ながら芭蕉の顔は見えない。
唐詩選』が長旅用だとすると、ちょっとそこまで、という時や少々疲れ気味の時に持ち出すのは『陶淵明全集』である。これも注釈・現代語訳つきだ。江戸人は陶淵明が大好きだったが、私のように「癒し用」に使うのは現代人向き処方だろう。世間にうまく合わせることができず、都会の出世競争に疲れてついに田園に帰ってしまう彼の詩は、私ならずとも現代の中年にぴったりだ。「帰りなんいざ、田園まさに蕪[あ]れなんとす なんぞ帰らざる」「帰りなんいざ、請う 交わりをやめてもって遊を絶たん。世と我れとは相たがえるに」 - 意訳:私はどうも、世間と価値観が違うんだ。もうこの世のつまらない社交をやめて、荒れ果てようとしている田園に帰り、そこで自然を再興しようではないか。 - 私にはこれが、まるで現代人への呼びかけのように聞こえる。
農民がどういう存在であったかも、この本から生き生きと浮かび上がってくる。ばくろうの話す体験談の中にこんなせりふがある。 - 「そりゃええ百姓ちうもんは神さまのようなもんで、石ころでも自分の力で金[きん]にかえよる。そういう者から見れば、わしら人間のかすじゃ」 - 石ころを金にかえるために農民がどれほど働いたか、この本の中では同時にそれが実感できるのだが、この言葉からは、その働きが尊敬の念で見られていたこともわかる。逆に言えば、当時の商人は農民と自分と比較しながら、自分のおこないが人間としてどのようなことであるか、自覚を持っていた。物を動かして利ざやを稼ぐことと、ゼロから物を作り上げることとの違いを、肌で知っていた。ここから見ると、今の世界はその自覚を無くした世界なのである。
私は江戸時代を研究すると同時に、その時代のアジア諸国に関心をもっている。「江戸時代はなぜ出現したか」「江戸時代はなぜ終わったか」 - この二つは両方とも、当時の世界情勢に無縁ではない。前者にかかわる世界の動きは、『コロンブス航海誌』と『インディアスの破壊についての簡潔な報告』が情報を提供してくれる。『コロンブス航海誌』てば、コロンブスの船が「ジパング」をめざしていたことがわかる。エスパニョーラ島をジパングだと思って上陸する。その結果何が起こったかは、ラス・カサスが『インディアスの破壊についての簡潔な報告』で教えてくれる。多くのインディオが殺され、鉱山開発が行われた。そこで採取された銀は太平洋を渡ってマニラに運ばれ、中国の生糸、絹織物と交換された。この、アメリカ銀のアジアへの参入と江戸時代の出現との関係は、もっと注目しなければならない事実だと思っている。
「江戸時代はなぜ終わったか」 - これはガーンディーの『真の独立への道』とかかわる。ここには「近代化させられた」アジアの姿が典型的に見えるのだ。江戸時代にとって、インドは素晴らしい技術をもった尊敬すべき国であった。日本の歴史の中で、江戸時代ほどインドの影響を強く受けた時代はないだろう。しかしインドからその技術力が奪われ、大量生産システムに従属させられる。これがアジアにとっての近代化の姿である。インドは独立した。しかしアジアを変えてしまった近代の価値観と歴史の方向性は、現代においても未だ変わっていない。

再1The decline of golf, December 20th 2014 P105 1/3 (ゴルフの凋落1/3)


再1The decline of golf, December 20th 2014 P105 1/3 (ゴルフの凋落1/3)


On recent Saturday Matt Owens, the owner of Trenton Street Golf Course in West Monroe, sat indoors facing the entrance to his course and greeted golfers. In this town of 13,000 inhabitants with a love of fried catfish and a reverence for “Duck Dynasty”, a television show about hunters whose stars live nearby, golf used to be a regular indulgence for many, and that mild autumn weekend was ideal golf weather. Yet by the end of the afternoon Mr Owens had taken in only around $200 in green fees, a tenth of what his course earned on Saturdays a few years ago. On weekends Mr Owens's 12-year-old course once swelled with golfers, but that ended when the economy sliced into the rough in 2008. He offers prices “affordable for rednecks”, but bargain are not enough to bring back customers. “I sometimes believe that I could give golf away, and they still wouldn't come,” he says. At the end of December he will close the course, and it will become a public park. What is happening West Monroe is not unusual. In America, the heartland of golf, the game is in decline. Golf traces its modern origins to 15th-century Scotland, where people played with wooden clubs and balls full of feathers. In 1457 King James II temporarily banned it, along with football, because it interfered with archery practice, but he was no match for its growing popularity. Mary, Queen of Scots was an enthusiast;her clubs were carried by students she called “cadets” (now known as “caddies”).The game of “gawf”, as it was first called, spread:first to England, and subsequently to its colonies. Golf went mainstream in America in the 1890s. The wealthy and upper middle classes formed private golf clubs where they could play. Then, as today, its appeal depended on time and money. Late-19th-century Americans, with plenty of both and no gadgets to occupy them at home, liked the fact that it took hours to play. Safer than polo and less tiring than football, golf allowed businessmen to get to know each other and do deals between shots. John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, early adopters, helped make the sports fashionable. It builds character as well as relationships. Golf teaches honesty, patience and camaraderie. Players see how their peers handle failure. The mental focus golf requires, with its excruciatingly difficult odds, keeps enthusiasts both attracted to and humbled by the game. PG Wodehouse once observed, “To find out a man's true character, play golf with him.” As America prospered, public courses opened alongside private clubs and exposed more people to the sport. Real estate helped drive its rise. Between 1992 and 2002, at least 60% of new golf courses were tied to property developments, according to Richard J. Moss, author of “The Kingdom of Golf in America”, a rich history of the sport. Golf courses increased the value of surrounding homes, and developers built long, complicated courses with the hope of attracting tournaments and attention. Today America is the largest golf market by a long shot. Around half the world's golf courses and players are thought to be in America, and the sport contributes around $70 billion to America's economy according to a 2011 study. Golf is not unlike a first home or a college degree:it carries the allure of progress, of arrival in the middle class. Only a few years ago some golf gurus forecast that the sport would grow even more, as baby boomers retired and flocked to the fair ways. They were wrong. Last year around 25m people played golf, 18% fewer than did so in 2006, although the population grew by 6%. Although still played by men and women, including business-people hoping to bond over more than lunch, golf does not hold the same appeal for the young and minorities, groups that will determine its future health. In recent years more people have abandoned than taken up the game. Emerald courses have not been the source of riches many anticipated. There are simply too many of them. Last year 160 of the country's 14,600 18-hole equivalent golf facilities shut up shop, the eighth straight year of net closures, according to the National Golf Foundation, an industry group. Steve Skinneq of Kemper Sports, a large golf-course operator, thinks it is going to take another ten years to level the imbalance between supply and demand. With only a handful of new courses scheduled for construction in America, architects are looking abroad to find work. “If golfcourse architecture were a publicly traded stock, it would be a penny stock right now,” says Brian Curley, an architect who spends much of his time designing courses in China. Professional golf remains healthy, as sponsors and advertisers still seek the wealthy, older men who form the core group of golf viewers and players, and consider them worth reaching, even in dwindling numbers. But sellers of golf clothing and equipment have been squeezed. Earlier this year Dick's Sporting Goods, a national retailer, laid off hundreds of employees in its golf division. Nike and Adidas are among the sports manufactures that have seen their earnings hit by a slowdown in recreational golf. Television ratings for golf on television have also declined.