Waterfront Weekly

1月の物流動向 JIFFA


DI for Transportation, Warehousing down 3.1 Points in Jan.


Japan International Freight Forwarders Association (JIFFA) shares the subject line information as under.



関税局―貿易統計1月上中旬分 2月7日


Trade statistics for first 20 days in January 2020



厚労省―勤労統計2019年12月分 2月7日


MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for December 2019


Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers increased by 0.4 % and for part time workers it increased by 0.5%, and part time worker’s hourly wage rose 2.9% when they are compared with the same month in2018.



関税局―関税率表解説及び国際分類例規の改定と追加 2月6日 Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) announces updated HS Classification rules CTB announces as under that classification rules, E-notes and Opinions, are revised and they are going to be effective from March 1.


These revisions and additions are reflection of WCO HS Classification Committee’s discussions and decisions. WCO usually releases the results of the Committee’s meeting results in English and French but it has not yet shared the documents. Or maybe I have not been able to spot the news in the WCO’s homepage by now.


経産省―東京及び横浜通商事務所に業務集約(英語版) 2月6日


METI’s English announcement

Important Notice for Trade License Applicants in Kanto Area



経産省―東京及び横浜通商事務所に業務集約 2月5日


METI closes some of its out offices around Tokyo.


METI announces as under that it intends to concentrate the trade certification and trade related matters to its Tokyo and Yokohama offices.




動物検疫―デンマークからの家きん輸入停止 2月5日 Poultry import ban (a province in Hungary) Animal Quarantine Office announces that poultry from Denmark is banned because bird flu has been identified in the region. https://www.maff.go.jp/j/press/syouan/douei/200131.html


植物防疫―英国及び米国の植物防疫体制情報を更新 2月5日


Plant Protection shares information on the U.K’s. and the U.S.A’s Plant Protection measures


Plant Protection Office has been collection the information on other countries’ plant protection enforcement and updated the U.K’s. and the U.S.A’s as under.


The U.K as of Jan.31 2020



The U.S.A as of Feb.3 2020
