

12月16日金曜日 昨晩の忘年会で中年組と趣味の話となった。趣味は持つべし、である。 お一人は20年来の玉突き愛好家とのことである。映画などではグラスを傾けながらプレーする場面があるが、集中力が落ちるので酒を飲みながらプレーする人はいないと…

2/2 London, as you never heard, NYT by Alex Marshall (野外録音)

Why do people listen to her records? “Honestly, I don't know,” she said. “It's still very difficult for me to go to a dinner party and say, ‘I compose what's loosely called music from field recordings.’ It's not the average way to make a l…

1/2 London, as you never heard, NYT by Alex Marshall (野外録音)

Field recordists capture quotidian sounds for fun and posterity. On a recent Saturday, Ian Rawes, a part-time deliveryman, spent several hours walking around London with two microphones strapped to his head. He went into a vegetable market…