

2月11日土曜日 我輩は二年前の秋に短い間ではあったが二度入院した。我輩も細君も重篤な病気とは思っていなかったし、事実一週間の入院二回で以後は定期的なエックス線検診だけである。 点滴のわが名逆さま日脚伸ぶ(志村宗門) しかし、我輩は病院のベッド…

2/2 In Beethoven's own hand? by Michael Cooper

Simon Maguire, the senior specialist for books and manuscripts at Sotheby's, said that while he had known that Christie's had passed on the score, he had not known which experts Christie's had relied on or what their doubts were. He noted …